Have you managed to rapidly reach a your weight loss goals, but are now self-conscious about the sagging skin you are left with on your thighs? Fortunately, there is a solution.
But what exactly is a thigh lift procedure and why do people choose to get one?
A thigh lift, or thighplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure which aims to reshape and contour the upper thigh by removing excess fat and loose skin. This helps patients achieve significantly slimmer and more sculpted thighs. It is especially beneficial for those who have loose or hanging skin due to significant weight loss.
In this article we explain everything you need to know about thigh lift surgery, including its benefits, the different types of techniques, what the procedure entails, and practical information about preparing for the surgery, recovery time, results, and costs.
What Is a Thigh Lift?
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that reshapes the thighs and improves the contours of the legs. Both men and women can choose to have a thighplasty, although it is more commonly performed on women who have lost weight dramatically or have sagging skin due to aging.
During the procedure, Dr. Kachniarz uses the most advanced techniques to perform thigh lift surgery by making the appropriate incision along either side of the legs where extra tissue needs to be addressed.
He then removes excess skin and tissue to perfectly sculpt the area, leaving a smooth and tight contour which accentuates the patient’s slimmer legs.
This type of plastic surgery is often performed in combination with other body contouring procedures such as tummy tucks or liposuction to achieve a more comprehensive transformation and added definition.

What Are the Benefits of a Thighplasty?
Whether due to age, weight loss, or other factors, loose or hanging skin can be a frustrating aesthetic concern. A thigh lift can effectively address this issue by removing the excess skin and providing tighter and more sculpted legs.
Patients usually see a significant improvement immediately after having thigh lift surgery. The improvements become fully noticeable after the swelling subsides completely. The benefits include:
- Legs which look and feel more toned, as excess fat is removed from beneath the skin while muscle tone is improved.
- Greater self-confidence when wearing shorts or skirts.
- Reduction of cellulite and stretch marks which often accompany aging or weight fluctuations.
- Smoother skin on the upper legs, making them appear more youthful and attractive.
- Tighter thigh muscles.
- Reduced rashes from friction between the thighs.
The results are long-lasting if combined with proper dieting and exercise habits after the recovery period ends.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
A good candidate for a traditional thigh lift surgery is any healthy man or woman suffering from excess skin in the upper legs due to major weight loss that cannot be resolved through diet and exercise alone.
Other factors that may make you a good candidate include:
- You have a strong desire to improve your body shape but have been unable to achieve the desired results through non-invasive treatments or healthy lifestyle changes.
- You have loose skin on your thighs due to major body changes or because of aging.
- You have unusually large thighs due to genetics, which can be difficult to overcome with diet and exercise alone. This can even cause physical issues such as rashes and chafing, which can easily be rectified with thigh reduction surgery.
- You are relatively healthy, both physically and mentally.
- You are prepared to adjust your lifestyle after the procedure to help ensure optimal results. This includes maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
- You are a non-smoker and do not consume alcohol heavily, or are at least willing to give these habits up for the weeks before surgery.
- You have realistic expectations as to what can be achieved through a thigh lift procedure.
If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure, it’s important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kachniarz to determine if it’s the best treatment option for you. To ensure a detailed surgical plan can be created, it’s recommended that you reach a stable weight before the thigh lift consultation.
Types of Procedures Available
There are several different types of thigh lift procedures to address varying issues:
Medial Thigh Lift
A medial thigh lift, also known as an inner thigh lift, focuses solely on reducing loose skin and excess fat in the inner thigh areas, while leaving the remaining skin on the outer thighs untouched. The goal of the procedure is to tighten and contour the skin of the inner legs, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance.
The procedure typically involves making small incisions along the inside crease of your leg near your groin area, followed by removing any unwanted fat and tissue before stitching up the incision site afterwards. The specific details of the procedure may vary depending on the individual patient’s needs.
Circumferential Thigh Lift
A circumferential thigh lift, or extended thigh lift, aims to remove excess skin and fat from the thighs and surrounding areas. Unlike a medial lift, which focuses specifically on the inner thigh regions, a circumferential lift targets the entire circumference of the thighs, as well as the buttocks, hips, and lower abdomen.
It requires more extensive surgery than a medial lift, but also produces more dramatic results due to its ability to reshape large portions of skin at once. The procedure may also involve liposuction to further refine the shape of the thighs.
Spiral Thigh Lift
A spiral thigh lift is specifically designed to address excess skin and fat in the inner and outer thighs. During a spiral thigh lift, the surgeon makes a spiral-shaped incision that starts at the groin area and extends around the outer thigh to the buttocks crease.
This allows the surgeon to remove excess fat and skin from both the outer and inner thigh areas, as well as the buttocks and hips, resulting in a smoother and more toned appearance.
This procedure can be particularly beneficial for individuals who lost a significant amount of weight, as well as those who have experienced skin laxity due to aging or other factors.
Outer Thigh Lift
An outer thigh lift, also known as a lateral or bilateral thigh lift, is designed to remove skin and fat from the outer thigh area. It is often performed in conjunction with a posterior buttocks lift as part of a comprehensive body lift procedure.
Mini Thigh Lift
A mini thigh lift procedure is ideal for patients with mild skin elasticity issues on the upper third of the entire thigh. The procedure focuses on addressing loose skin in this area alone, so it is less invasive and involves a shorter incision in the groin area compared to more traditional types of thigh lifts.
Posterior Thigh Lift (Butt Lift)
A posterior thigh lift, also known as a butt lift, is a surgical procedure that specifically targets the back of the thigh and lower buttock area. It is designed to address concerns such as sagging skin and the appearance of cellulite in these areas.
Vertical Thigh Lift Surgery
A vertical thigh lift may be recommended for patients with more extensive sagging along the entire length of the thigh. In this case, a vertical incision starting from the groin crease extending to the inner knee.

Thigh Lift procedure With Liposuction
While it is ideal if you can reach your ideal weight goal before having a thigh lift surgery, some stubborn fat deposits may remain.
As a thigh lift primarily addresses the issue of loose or hanging skin, it is often helpful to pair it with an appropriate liposuction procedure to remove the stubborn fatty tissue.
This can lead to overall slimmer and tighter thighs in one procedure. There are different types of liposuction techniques which may be utilized, two of the most common being traditional liposuction and VASER Hi Def Lipo:
Traditional Liposuction vs. Vaser Hi Def Liposuction for Thighs
Traditional liposuction, also known as suction-assisted liposuction, involves the use of a cannula to manually remove excess fat from the thighs.
This technique typically requires the injection of a saline fluid into the thigh muscles and treatment area to help break up the fat cells for easy removal.
On the other hand, VASER Hi Def liposuction, also known as laser-assisted liposuction, utilizes laser energy to melt away fat cells before suctioning them out. This technique involves the use of ultrasound energy to emulsify the fat, making it easier to remove.
The use of ultrasound energy in laser liposuction allows for more precise fat removal and enhances skin tightening in the treated area.
While it is more expensive than traditional liposuction techniques, it is generally the recommended treatment option, especially for more stubborn fatty tissue which is prevalent in the thigh region.
Combining Different plastic Surgery Procedures: Body Contouring With a Thigh Lift
You may choose to combine your thigh lift with various other body contouring procedures for more comprehensive results.
One popular combination procedure is a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, which can be performed alongside a thigh lift.
This procedure removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tightens the underlying muscles, and creates a flatter and more toned midsection. By combining the thigh lift surgery with a tummy tuck, you can achieve a more proportionate body contour in both the upper and lower body.
Another option is to combine a breast lift, or mastopexy, with a thigh lift. This procedure lifts and reshapes the breasts, addressing sagging and restoring a more youthful position. By combining thigh lift surgery with a breast lift, you can achieve a more balanced and harmonious body shape.
If you’re considering combination procedures, you should be aware that the recovery time may be longer compared to a single procedure.
However, combining surgeries allows you to reduce the overall downtime compared to undergoing each procedure separately and to achieve multiple aesthetic goals in a single surgical plan. It is also more cost-effective compared to having multiple individual procedures.

Preparing for Your Procedure
Before undergoing any type of procedure, it is important to properly prepare yourself to ensure a smooth and successful surgery.
1. Selecting a Plastic Surgeon in Miami
The first, and most crucial step, is to find experienced and board certified plastic surgeons who specialize in thigh lift procedures.
During your initial consultation, communicate your goals, concerns, and medical history to your surgeon. They will evaluate your current condition, assess if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, and develop an individualized plan tailored to your specific needs.
Dr. Kachniarz has years of experience in performing thigh lift procedures in Miami. He uses the most advanced thigh lift techniques and tailors each surgical plan to your specific needs and aims.
2. Pre-Surgery Appointments & Consultation Process
Once you have elected to have surgery with Dr. Kachniarz, you will attend a process of pre-surgery appointments and consultations.
Dr. Kachniarz may recommend a specific healthy diet and exercise regime to optimize your condition prior to surgery. Additionally, you will usually need to obtain surgical clearance, which may involve physical tests such as ECG and basic blood work.
If you are considering a Miami thigh lift, scheduling an appointment with Dr. Kachniarz is highly recommended.
He can provide expert guidance, address any concerns, and create an individualized surgical plan to achieve your desired results.
3. Procedure Details
Thigh lift surgery can be done using either local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the surgery and your personal preference.
On the day of the procedure, you will be prepped and the surgical site will be thoroughly cleaned. Dr. Kachniarz will then mark the incision sites before the anesthetic is administered.
He will then carefully make the required incisions to remove excess fat and skin and smoothen and tighten your thigh area.
The length and pattern of incisions vary depending on the extent of correction needed and the type of thigh lift being performed. VASER Hi Def lipo is commonly incorporated in the procedure for best results.
After the procedure is complete, you will be monitored in a recovery area until you are conscious and stable. You will then receive post-operative care and recovery instructions before being discharged.
In many cases, a thigh lift is perforemd as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home the same day. It is important to have a friend or family member assist you during the initial recovery period.
How Much Does a Thigh Lift Miami Cost?
The cost of a thigh lift in Miami ranges between $3,000 – $6,000 depending on several factors, such as the type and extent of the treatment.
However, as each surgical plan is uniquely tailored to your personal requirements and objectives, the thigh lift cost can vary significantly. It’s important to consult with Dr. Kachniarz in person to get an accurate estimate of the total cost.
He can also help advise on potential financing options if you are unable to cover the costs upfront.
The success and safety of your Miami thigh lift is dependent on choosing the right plastic surgeon.
Schedule a consultation today to discuss what you should consider before undergoing a surgery and determine if it is the right choice for you.
Recovery Process and Aftercare
The thigh lift recovery period varies according to the type of surgery performed and the patient’s health, age, and response to surgery. After the surgery, it is common to experience some degree of discomfort and soreness in the thighs.
To help alleviate this, you will have bandages and compression garments to reduce swelling and help the thighs form tightly to their new shape.
You should keep your legs elevated as much as possible and take any prescribed medications to manage pain and swelling. You should avoid sitting for the first few days after surgery to avoid blood clots and damage to the surgical site.
You may also have to wear support stockings for up to 6 weeks post-operatively. These will provide compression, which helps reduce swelling and encourages good circulation in the treated area.
You should avoid strenuous activities such as running or jogging until Dr. Kachniarz says it is fine to do so; usually after 4–6 weeks following the operation.
It is important that the incision sites are kept clean and dry throughout the healing process. You should shower instead of bath, but otherwise all normal activity may resume within two weeks if no complications arise from surgery. It’s essential that you follow all postoperative instructions given by Dr. Kachniarz to minimize risks and achieve optimal thigh lift results.
The month following surgery, you should see a significant decrease in swelling and, soon after, its complete disappearance. At this time, you can fully appreciate your transformed physique. There will be some scarring, but this should fade with time.
Although thigh lift surgery is extremely effective at providing lasting improvement to the shape and tightness of your thighs, it is important to also complement it by maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure lasting improvement.
Thigh lift FAQs
How Long Does a Thigh Lift Last?
A thigh lift is considered a long-term solution to improve the contours of the thighs. The results of the procedure can last for many years with proper aftercare and maintenance, such as maintaining a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine.
However, patients should be aware that some skin laxity will eventually reoccur due to natural aging processes, so it is important to be realistic about the results.
Is a Thigh Lift Ever Covered by Insurance?
In most cases, insurance companies will not cover the cost of the procedure because it is considered an elective procedure and does not present an immediate health risk. However, there may be rare circumstances where a thigh lift may be covered by insurance if it is deemed medically necessary.
Can You Get Rid of Saggy Inner Thighs?
Yes, it is possible to get rid of saggy inner thighs. Surgical procedures can be used to remove excess skin and fat and tighten underlying tissues to create more toned thighs and a contoured appearance. This type of plastic surgery can also therefore reduce sagging in the inner thigh area.
[1] Labardi L, Gentile P, Gigliotti S, et al. Medial thighplasty: horizontal and vertical procedures after massive weight loss. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2012;5(1):20-25. doi:10.4103/0974-2077.94330
[2] Aboueldahab, A. K. (2014). Liposuction-assisted medial thigh lift in non bariatric surgery patients. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 50(1), 61-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajme.2013.07.001