A breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that reshapes and repositions sagging breasts, resulting in a more youthful breast shape. It is commonly performed on women who have experienced breast sagging due to pregnancy, weight loss, aging, or other factors that cause a loss of skin elasticity.
During the breast lift procedure, excess skin is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped to raise the breasts. The nipples and areolas are also repositioned to a more youthful position.
In addition to addressing any sagginess, the surgery can help restore balance to asymmetrical breasts by evening the size and shape of the breasts. Breast implants or fat transfer techniques can be used simultaneously to add volume.
What Is Breast Lift Surgery?
The procedure involves reshaping or repositioning the skin and underlying tissue in order to raise the breast tissue and nipples higher on the chest wall, while making sure not to reduce the overall size of your breasts. This is generally done during a simple outpatient procedure under general anesthesia.
Our clinic in Miami provides a state-of-the-art setting for this type of work, where you will be receiving the best of care thorough the treatment.
Some women may opt for silicone implants or fat transfer techniques during their surgery, the latter helps restore lost volume by adding additional fat cells taken from another part of your body that has been treated with liposuction.
Overview of the Procedure
During the procedure, incisions are made around the nipple and frequently along the breast crease or inframammary fold to reshape and lift the entire breast.
In some cases, an “internal bra” scaffold (such as the Galaflex internal bra) may be used to reinforce the breast and provide more lasting perkiness.
This can help to restore a youthful feminine physique and make a dramatic difference, particularly when wearing certain clothing styles such as dresses with deep necklines or bikinis that show off your curves.
A breast lift can undo years of changes to your breasts with one simple outpatient procedure. Because the operation does not involve removing any breast tissue (unlike traditional breast reduction), there won’t be any drastic changes in cup size.
The procedure is ideal if you are looking to keep your existing body proportions while still restoring perkiness back into your bust line.
During the healing process, you will be given a special surgical garment to provide support to the healing breasts. There may be some swelling and bruising that generally subsides after a couple of weeks.
After your procedure, you will be asked to avoid strenuous activities for 2 weeks, and keep all incisions clean during the healing process. Full healing can take up to 6 weeks, after which you may resume all of your normal activities.
Many patients like to use Arnica and Bromelain to reduce bruising following the procedure. Silicone gel and sunscreen may greatly help with appearance of any scars on the breasts.
During your initial consultation, and follow-up clinic visits, we will discuss all precautions and strategies to optimize healing following surgery.
Depending on your specific situation and goals, Dr. Kachniarz may also recommend incorporating techniques such as a donut lift, crescent lift (very short scattered scar), or lollipop lift to achieve natural-looking results with improved breast shape and firmness. These varied incision patterns allow for precisely addressing your concerns, whether you have breast ptosis (sagging), loss of upper pole fullness, drooping/deflation after weight loss or following pregnancy/breastfeeding, or enlarged areolas.

Different Surgery Techniques
There are several different techniques of breast lift surgery. Dr. Kachniarz is well-versed in all breast surgery techniques and will customize your treatment plan to fit your aesthetic needs.
Donut Breast Lift
A donut breast lift involves an incision around the areola, and is generally used to correct minor drooping breasts or asymmetry of the nipples. It is most frequently used in conjunction with an augmentation procedure to improve nipple position.
Lollipop breast lift procedure
A Lollipop or vertical procedure involves an incision from the areola down to the fold down, with the look of the incision resembling a lollipop. It allows plastic surgeons to remove excess skin and reshape the entire breast without requiring the additional horizontal incision like the anchor/inverted-T incision techniques used for more significant sagging. The lollipop lift can achieve excellent results for women with mild sagging while limiting scarring to just around the areola and a single vertical line on each breast. This is a less invasive surgical procedure used for women who have medium-sized breasts.
Anchor Breast Lift
An anchor breast lift, also known as an inverted-T lift or anchor lift involves three incisions just like the lollipop procedure. It requires an incision from the areola to the fold and along the breast fold. It gets its name from the incision pattern, that resembles an upside-down anchor.
This is usually used for women with larger breasts, with significant sagging or excess skin. It does, however, leave the biggest scars.
The anchor technique can also be used for breasts have an enlarged nipple or asymmetrical. It may be combined with an “internal bra” scaffold to provide more long-lasting results in patients that may have less reliable tissue quality.
Crescent Lift
For women with mild sagging or drooping of the breasts, the crescent lift (minimal incision technique) may be an option. This surgical technique involves making an incision along the upper half of the areola to reshape and lift the breasts. While it cannot achieve the same degree of lift as more invasive techniques, it is ideal for women who want to avoid significant scarring from the procedure. The crescent lift is best suited for breast lift candidates who have maintained good skin quality and elastic breast tissue, ensuring a successful breast lift and natural-looking results even with minimal incisions.
When it comes to recovery, patients should expect swelling and bruising for a couple of weeks and avoid any strenuous activities until you have fully healed from the procedure, which may take up to 6 weeks.
With proper post-operative care, close coordination with your surgical team here at Dr. K Miami Plastic Surgery, you can enjoy long-lasting results from this treatment option.

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery Miami
There are many benefits associated with a breast lift surgical procedure that make it an attractive option for those looking to improve their body contours and enhance their overall physique.
One benefit of the breast lift surgery is that it can provide a more youthful-looking breast shape, and improved proportions along the bust area.
By lifting and reshaping saggy breasts, you can create a firmer chest wall, which will give you better posture as well as enhance your silhouette in clothing items like dresses or swimsuits.
The results from this surgery often appear natural and subtle yet still noticeable enough to have an impact on your overall physique.
Another benefit of having this procedure is its ability to boost self-confidence in your body; in most cases, it may be combined with other procedures such as fat transfer breast augmentation or implants for larger size enhancement.
For women who may feel uncomfortable with the way they look due to changes in their body over time, undergoing surgery could be just what they need to restore their confidence in themselves again.
This kind of surgical intervention typically requires only one session and offers long-lasting effects, making it perfect for busy individuals who don’t have much free time on their hands!
In addition to lifting and reshaping your breasts to a perkier, more youthful position, a breast lift can also reposition the nipple and areola to a higher location on the breast mound. This restores a more proportional nipple placement while reducing the size of enlarged areolas that commonly accompany sagging.
Who Is an Ideal Candidate?
A breast lift is a popular procedure for women who are looking to improve the shape, size and overall aesthetic of breasts.
The surgery can be beneficial for those looking to restore their figure after weight fluctuations or pregnancy. It may also be recommended for women with sagging or deflated-looking breasts due to the natural aging process, genetics, gravity and other factors.
Ultimately, you will decide whether this procedure is the right fit for you during your consultation with Dr. Kachniarz.
Generally speaking, you should wait until you’re done having children before considering this procedure, as future pregnancies could affect the results of the surgery.
You must also be in good health – both physically and mentally – so that you are able to handle the rigors of general anesthesia and heal properly afterwards.
Dr. Kachniarz will thoroughly evaluate your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, and guide you in selecting the right procedure for you.
Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?
Breast lift surgery and breast augmentation are two very complementary procedures. Although they are frequently combined, they address two different aesthetic goals within the breast. When deciding between the two options, you should consider your aesthetic priorities:
Is it the shape of the breast?
- Asymmetry?
All of the above?
This procedure generally addresses any sagginess of the breast, as well as asymmetry and areola enlargement.
An augmentation will provide more fullness and increase the size of your breasts; it will also provide a modest lift effect, but is unlikely to address any nipple position asymmetry.
Importantly, undergoing one procedure does not preclude you from undergoing the other one down the road. Patients with a history of breast augmentation may decide to pursue a lift surgery over time to improve the shape of the breasts, and vice versa.
If you already have breast implants, then you might want to consider breast revision surgery.
Preparation for Surgery
Our experienced team will discuss all precautions and preparations for your breast lift procedure. You should stop taking certain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or other anti-inflammatory drugs two weeks before their procedure.
These can increase bleeding and bruising from the operation and should be avoided when possible. You should also refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol leading up to the date of your surgery, since these activities can delay healing.
It is also beneficial to purchase loose fitting clothing that will not rub against the incisions following the procedure. You will be given a special postsurgical garment that will help with healing and provide support to the breasts as they heal. It will also help reduce pain and discomfort throughout recovery.
As a safety precaution, you will also be asked to obtain a preoperative clearance for general anesthesia from your primary care provider. You should also be up-to-date on your screening mammography in preparation for surgery.
On the day of your procedure, you will be discharged from the surgery center the same day, once you recover from anesthesia. You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home from the procedure.
Recovery and Aftercare Tips
The recovery period following the procedure is gradual, and most patients return to work within 3–5 days.
However, the recovery process is gradual and can take up to 6 weeks for complete healing of all incisions.
It is important to understand that it is a major procedure and requires proper care and attention in order to recover properly. Below are some tips for recovering from breast surgery:
Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps replenish any fluids lost due to swelling and will promote healing after surgery. Make sure you get plenty of rest during this time period, so your body has enough energy to heal itself.
Try to eat healthy meals filled with vitamins and minerals, which help aid in the healing process. Foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean proteins are all good sources of nutrition that will help you regain strength quickly after surgery. Avoid eating processed foods or junk food since these items contain high amounts of sugar, which can slow down recovery significantly.
Remember to stay active and ambulate regularly following the procedure. Strenuous activity should be avoided, but regular walking helps reduce the risk of any blood clots following surgery. Dr. Kachniarz will discuss when it is safe to resume more strenuous activities during your follow-up clinic visits.

Risks and Complications
When it comes to any type of plastic surgery, there are always risks and potential complications that need to be taken into account.
Breast lift surgery is no exception, although the risks associated with this procedure tend to be rare. Most patients report only minor discomfort during the recovery period, but it is still important for individuals to know what they can expect.
The most common risk associated is infection or inflammation at the incision sites. If left untreated, the delay in healing can cause increased scarring; however, that can be revised down the road.
Any infections can generally be easily treated if caught early enough through antibiotics and proper wound care. Other possible complications include changes in sensation around the incision sites and nipples.
While rare, some patients may experience problems with breastfeeding following the procedure. It is important for women who plan on having children later in life to consider this when opting for a breast procedure.
What Is the Cost of a Breast Lift in Miami
The cost of breast lift surgery in Miami can range from $4,000 – $12,000. This includes all surgeon, anesthesia, and operating room fees.
The cost will vary based on your individual situation and aesthetic goals. The exact breast lift cost depends on the type of procedure performed, which generally depends on the extent of droopiness and any asymmetry between the breasts.
It also depends on any adjunct procedures necessary to meet your aesthetic goals; these may include fat transfer or implant breast augmentation.
It is important to note that breast lifts are generally not covered by health insurance plans since they are considered cosmetic in nature.
If you are considering having the surgery done but concerned about being able to afford it financially, then there are several financing options available, including PatientFi, CareCredit, and Alphaeon.
Finding a Qualified Surgeon
When considering a breast lift surgery, one of the most important factors is finding the right surgeon for you. Open communication and comfort with your surgical team are imperative in selecting the correct procedure and recovering from it safely.
Our goal is to provide all patients with a world-class surgical skill set and latest technology; we are always available to address any questions during your transformation journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Do Scars Look like After Surgery?
Nearly all breast lift procedures involve an incision around the areola. This scar is generally well-hidden along the border of the areola and breast skin.
To address greater degrees of asymmetry or droopiness, many techniques also include an incision from the areola down to the fold and along the fold. You will discuss the specific technique that is best for you during your consultation visit with Dr. Kachniarz.
How Long Is Recovery After Surgery?
The recovery period following a breast lift procedure is gradual, and most patients return to work within 3–5 days. There may be some swelling and bruising that generally subsides after a couple of weeks.
After your procedure, you will be asked to avoid strenuous activities for 2 weeks, and keep all incisions clean during the healing process. Full healing can take up to 6 weeks, after which you may resume all of your normal activities.
What Are the Risks?
Dr. Kachniarz will discuss all risks and benefits of your procedure during your breast lift consultation. Although very rare, possible complications include infection, delayed incision healing, and changes in nipple sensation. There may also be a change in breastfeeding ability in some patients.
Is Financing Available?
Yes, financing through PatientFi, Alphaeon, and CareCredit is available to qualified patients. Please reach out to our office to explore your options!
Does Insurance Cover Breast Surgery?
No, insurance generally does not cover breast lift surgery. It is considered a cosmetic procedure by most plans.
[1] American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/breast-lift/safety
[2] Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/breast-lift/about/pac-20393218
[3] Plastic Surgery Associates. https://www.psa-gr.com/the-5-benefits-of-a-breast-lift/
[4] American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/breast-lift/procedure